Brand Messaging Platform Questionnaire HiddenContact DetailsBefore we get started, please click the "add contact info" to provide your company contact info and choose your Account Executive. This will ensure your answers are routed to the proper team member.HiddenAccount Executive(Required)--- Please Select ---Patrick SullivanMike WhiteWhitney MinceyYour Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Company(Required) What is your business category in three words or less?(Required) What are your company's core values?(Required)With a sky as the limit frame of mind, what's your vision for your business?(Required)What are your goals over the next three years?(Required)What adjectives would you use to describe your business?(Required)Why is your business different?(Required)With a sky as the limit frame of mind, what advertising would you use?(Required)Who is a likely client for you?(Required)Who would you like to reach that you are not?(Required)What makes you special?(Required)Who are your best customers?(Required)What perceptions do you need to create?(Required)What perceptions do you need to overcome?(Required)What perceptions do you need to reinforce?(Required)Think of the perfect employee within your company as it could be you - and describe them.(Required)When you think of your company, what one word comes to mind?(Required) If you can only get one message out, what would that be?(Required) If your company was a car, what kind would it be and why?(Required)